Tuesday, January 01, 2008
Happy New Year!

My first post for 2008!

2007 - The year in review:

The past year was a roller coaster ride for me. I've been through tough times last year. Those difficult times showed me who my real friends are. It strengthened our friendship more. 2007 was a tough year not only for me but also for some of my friends. I'm glad that we stayed with each other. The past year also taught me many lessons - lessons that made me a stronger and wiser person. I had to let go some persons who once became an important part of me. Though I had to lose them, I met new friends last year. Friends that helped me move on and bring back the smile on my face.

The past year also was a memorable one for me because we toured the beautiful places in Europe - Germany, Austria, Italy, France, Belgium, Luxembourg and the Netherlands. A dream come true for me. I was also lucky to celebrate my birthday on tour and it was in the beautiful and romantic city - Paris! That was one memorable birthday celebration!

2008 - New Year!

I look forward to a blessed year for me, my family and friends. =)
posted by jeromz at 1:28 AM | Permalink | 1 comments
Monday, December 03, 2007
I should live in Paris!

What City Should You Live In?

You should live in Paris. The city of lights will appeal to your appreciation of beauty and romance. You are a lover and a poet by nature, and Paris' sensitive charms will be a perfect match for yours.
Find Your Character @ BrainFall.com
posted by jeromz at 3:12 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, October 07, 2007
UAAP Season 70 Champions!
De La Salle's 7th UAAP title on October 7 in Season 70!

Thank you Lord, thank you Mama Mary!

This is the only season where 2 won games is better than 3 and a 2 game sweep is better than a 14 game sweep! I'm glad that i was able to watch the game live at Araneta. It was all worth it!

We're back. We're one. We're the 2007 UAAP Men's Basketball Champions. WE ARE LA SALLE.

*taken during the winning moments of the game

*watched the game live at araneta with james, francine & doneli.


posted by jeromz at 11:37 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, September 30, 2007
animo la salle!!!
this may be the only time that two is better than three...
- Franz Pumaren

this is indeed a sweet victory to the lasallian community. even if we lost thrice to ateneo, we won in the games that mattered most. it was like UAAP championship game in araneta because of the jam-packed crowd. the estimate crowd was 23,315 and that is, according to the news, among the biggest drawn by any basketball game at the big dome. i remember exactly 3 years ago when we won the game three of the UAAP finals vs FEU. the date was also september 30.

i received a text message from a fellow lasallian...
"life is not all about your wins and losses. sometimes you encounter depressing failures and disappointing defeats along the way. your tribulations may be more than your success but its how you end your battle that is more important. we have to win when it matters most.
- comment ni inday sa kakatapos na dlsu-admu series ng UAAP. pati si inday affected sa ateneo-lasalle rivalry. hahaha!


#392 #488 ..'NUF SAID

...too bad i wasn't able to watch the game live at araneta...
posted by jeromz at 10:17 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
what major is right for you?

You scored as Accounting/Finance/Marketing, You should strongly consider majoring (or minoring) in Accounting, Finance, Economics, Marketing, or related majors (e.g., Computer/Management Information Systems (CIS or MIS), Entrepreneurship, International Business, Operations Management, Public Administration, Real Estate, Risk Management, Sports Management).

It is possible that the best major for you is your 2nd, 3rd, or even 5th listed category, so be sure to consider ALL majors in your OTHER high scoring categories (below). You may score high in a category you didnt think you would--it is possible that a great major for you is something you once dismissed as not for you. The right major for you will be something 1) you love and enjoy and 2) are really great at it.

Consider adding a minor or double majoring to make yourself standout and to combine your interests. Please post your results in your myspace/blog/journal.





























created with QuizFarm.com

i think im on the right field!
posted by jeromz at 3:04 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Saturday, September 29, 2007
due to insistent public demand, i'm back. :D

time really flies fast! it's already months since i've updated this blog.

i became busy after the European tour that's why i don't post usually. i became busy with job hunting since i resigned from my previous job for the tour which i do not regret. :D good thing, i got a new job immediately. i was supposed to start last june 25 but i begged off since i still need to fix documents i need for the new job. my first day july 2 in thomson financial. :)

i cannot update my blog in the office unlike in technistock since blogspot is blocked. also, i don't have time to blog in the office due to heavy workload. usually i'm already tired when i arrive home, i just check mails at chat a little.

what to expect in my blog in the next days? i will post about the different cities i've been in europe.

posted by jeromz at 3:42 PM | Permalink | 0 comments
Sunday, June 24, 2007
How Much of the Philippines Have You Visited?

My Lakbayan grade is C!

How much of the Philippines have you visited? Find out at Lakbayan!

Created by Eugene Villar.
posted by jeromz at 1:12 AM | Permalink | 0 comments
Friday, April 27, 2007
new love
sorry because it took a long time before i posted another entry here in my blog. been busy with choir matters and others. (actually, i am really lazy to post. hehehe)

i'm talking about my new found love - photography. i really have an interest in photography ever since. my aunt owns a SLR camera. she gave it to me when i was still in elementary before she entered the convent. now, it's with my other aunt and i plan to use it to someday. now, my aunt bought a new camera - canon ixus 60 - but i'm the one using it. hehe. she invited me to attend a photography seminar in her office. i attended one session last saturday but i wasn't able to finish it due to other commitments.

i tried the camera last weekend - first at a birthday party, second at intramuros. aside from the photography seminar, i have three mentors. a fellow canon user and a DSLR owner, kuya jerome, gave some tips in taking pictures at night. he also gave me tips in some settings of the camera. another canon user - kuya earl -teaches me with camera settings (thanks to the photo sharing feature of yahoo messenger. even if he's in singapore, he still can critique my shots). i went to intramuros last sunday with rex to practice the camera at night. he gave a crash course on photography since he is a multimedia arts graduate. here are some of the pics we took:

the first & fourth images was taken by rex. second, third and fifth images by me. i hope to enroll in a photography class or seminar someday to learn more about it. but for now, i wish to thank the three persons mentioned above for sharing their knowledge to me. :)
posted by jeromz at 11:25 PM | Permalink |