Thursday, March 15, 2007
the truth hurts...
"i want you to know i know the truth, of course i know it..."
- from the song wind beneath my wings

i really do not feel good the past days and it really shows in my face. there were many things that happened the past days that burdened me. people are asking me why i am so quiet recently and i'm not my usual self. i really can't hide my feelings because it affected me a lot. i'm deeply hurt and i don't know when i will get over this. this is my first time to encounter this situation and i really don't know what to do.

i've been carrying this burden for the past five days. i can't work properly. sometimes i feel ok but most of the time, especially when i am alone, i really feel bad. i want to cry but i can't. i really wish i'm like the others who cry easily because they can release their feelings most of the times. but in my case, it is really difficult.

i want to thank my friends for their concern for me. for giving me their time and listening to me. it really means a lot to me.

i hope this will end soon...
posted by jeromz at 1:50 PM | Permalink |